Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Our" Great Nation

                                                            "I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag,  
                                                                The united States of America, 
                                                        and too The Republic, for which it stands, 
                                           One Nation, under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all."


 The United States of America, for all its greatness, has become less then its full potential, as a great leader of Men and Nations. If we fail, the whole entire world loses. Simple because, "We the People," have allowed there to be too much government, too many "Laws, Codes and Statues, and, too much dependences on government. As a result our "Independent Nature is being challenged by an ever Encroaching Collectivistic Cancer. When our founders created our Nations Laws (which are contained within The Constitution of The United States,) they did so using principles written in, "The Holy Scriptures," and "Common Sense." This was called, "Common Law" which is "Natural Law" because it was attributed to "God." It was the oldest and the wisest member of our founding fathers of Congress that said: "Benjamin Franklin." "If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice; Then is it likely that an Empire can rise without His Aid?" Sadly, "Natural Law and Common Sense," have been replaced by a Multitude of Commercial Codes and Statues which are entirely void of comprehension by "Our Nations Citizens." So much so, that our government has made "Laws," making it illegal for anyone to Teach, Preach, or Practice The Law without a "License." (Meaning, without having received permission, from our government.) Our government refuses to allow anyone to teach its citizens one word about the very "Laws" they claim they want us to obey. Our "Laws," (including but not limited to) The Constitution of The United States, were created from the principles in "The Holy Bible and Common Sense." "The Holy Bible," (including but not limited to) the "Ten Commandments," which our founding fathers used to create "The Constitution of The United States", has been band from all of our Nations Public Schools and Educational Facility's. With that said, they actually have the nerve to declare that they will, and they are, prosecuting every one of its citizens for failure to obey every letter of the "Laws," which they have made illegal for anyone to Teach "We the People," One Word about. So there's no wonder why "We The People" are confused when ever We hear the prosecutor, who is standing flat footed in the courtroom saying that "We Knowingly" and "We Willingly," broke one or more of the "Laws" which they have made illegal for anyone to teach "We the People" One Word About. And get this, they don't even send Our Police Officer to law school so that they might at least, have a chance to understand the laws they daily (in vain) try to enforce. This Question Still Remains Un-Answered by the Courts: "How can any Police Officer, Competently Enforce the Laws; when The Superior Courts and the Officers Themselves Affirm under Oath, that the Law is something that The Officers Know Nothing About? Having to live under such conditions has caused "We the People," to become Indifferent, Intolerant, Disrespectful and Disinterested, in Our Nations Laws (of which without permission, we are not allowed to be taught) and causing us to have no Trust and very little Respect for Our Government. One might suspect, that if they really wanted us to obey all The Laws, they would teach us what all the laws say. Or maybe, their afraid that if they did teach Us all the Laws, We might actually, "Obey Them."

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